Woven Jute Erosion Matting

A natural low cost biodegradable mat made of weaved jute to prevent soil erosion. The mat comes in 2 densities depending on the surface it is being applied to. The erosion control material supports grass and wildflower growth.

This is a textiles & crops material

Textiles are any goods produces by weaving, knitting or felting. Crops are grown for their fibres traditionally used to make paper, cloth or rope.

A natural low cost biodegradable mat made of weaved jute to prevent soil erosion. The mat comes in 2 densities depending on the surface it is being applied to. The erosion control material supports grass and wildflower growth.

Planning a visit?
You will find this material in: Cabinet I

Geographic availability
Origin / Location of manufacturing / Processing plant
Meltham, England
Application and typical uses of the product

The matting is a natural alternative to erosion control sheeting. It can be applied to at surface. The Erosamat Type 1 & 1A consists of a dense mesh of jute fibres that absorb the impact of rain bombardment and reduces water run-off velocity. The mat protects soil until the seeds have germinated and a root system is established. Thereafter the Erosamat slowly biodegrades to form nutrients and to improve soil quality

Breakdown of Product

100% Jute

Is the resource Renewable or Finite?
Does the material need to be processed further or treated by the user
Buildability - how complex is installation? What skill level is required?
Installation is simple using steel pins at approximately 0.5 metre intervals. All mats should be laid with joints overlapping at 100mm.
Types, textures, specifications and colours currently available
A number of different types, textures and seeds are available.
Supplier Name
Main Contact
Sales Team
Contact Address
E7 Meltham Mills Road 

West Yorkshire, 

Telephone Number
01484 852096
Lifespan of materials if maintained correctly (years)

Biodegrades in 3-5 years