Linoleum Flooring

Marmoleum Flooring is a homogeneous floor covering made of primarily natural materials. The flooring is flexible and held together by a natural jute backing.

Marmoleum Flooring is a homogeneous floor covering made of primarily natural materials. The flooring is flexible and held together by a natural jute backing.

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You will find this material in: Cabinet F

Geographic availability
Origin / Location of manufacturing / Processing plant
Kirkcaldy Scotland (tiled material) & The Netherlands (sheeting material)
Application and typical uses of the product

Interior flooring for commercial, light industrial and residential uses. Unlike vinyl flooring that has just a thin colour layer, Marmoleum flooring has a top layer of at least 2mm thickness with colour that goes all the way through making it a durable and long lasting floor. It can be applied to any at screed and is easily cut to size

Breakdown of Product

Linseed oil 19% Limestone 24% Jute (backing) 8% Tall oil (liquid rosin) 11% Pine rosin 2% Wood flour 22% Pigment 3% Acrylic lacquer 1% Reused Marmoleum 10%

Embodied energy (Processing plant emissions). How much energy is used to produce the product? kWh per annum or kgCO2
The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 2.5 mm Marmoleum sheet is 0.02 kg CO2-Equiv. per m2 for the production stage in the LCA-calculation (A1-A3), this is published in the EPD. Forbo uses 100% renewable electricity (Hydro-power) and natural gas for the production of Marmoleum
Thermal conductivity (k) W/m°C or Thermal transmittance (U-value) - W/m2°C (If applicable)
k = 1.7 W/m°C
Is the resource Renewable or Finite?
Does the material need to be processed further or treated by the user
Types, textures, specifications and colours currently available
A wide range of colours are available. Marmoleum comes either in tiles or large sheeting depending on application
Supplier Name
Forbo Flooring UK Ltd
Main Contact
Sales Team
Contact Address
PO Box 1, 
Telephone Number
0800 0935 258
Other companies that manufacture similar products

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Lifespan of materials if maintained correctly (years)

30 years