Scottish Slate Alternative

New Welsh Blue Grey slate produced in random widths and diminishing lengths.

This is a stone material

Stone is a hard substance from the ground used for building or carving. It is the product of millions of years of movement, pressure, compaction and heat, forming a durable solid material.

New Welsh Blue Grey slate produced in random widths and diminishing lengths.

Planning a visit?
You will find this material in: Cabinet D

Geographic availability
Origin / Location of manufacturing / Processing plant
Gwynedd, North Wales, UK
Application and typical uses of the product

SIGA 120 provides a unique indigenous alternative to traditional Scottish slate. Allows listed buildings and historic projects an authentic roof finish unmatched by imported materials.

Breakdown of Product

100% natural slate.

Embodied energy (Processing plant emissions). How much energy is used to produce the product? kWh per annum or kgCO2
Data not supplied.
Thermal conductivity (k) W/m°C or Thermal transmittance (U-value) - W/m2°C (If applicable)
Data not supplied.
Is the resource Renewable or Finite?
Does the material need to be processed further or treated by the user
Buildability - how complex is installation? What skill level is required?
Traditional roof slate practice, slate fitted in accordance with BS 5534.
Deconstruction and Re-use


Disposal/ End of Life

Natural slate can be re-used.

Types, textures, specifications and colours currently available
Dark blue grey, natural riven texture, 9mm nominal thickness.
Is this product certified?

Yes, Produced to EN12326-1 2014.

Lifespan of materials if maintained correctly (years)

100 years (+)

Availability - how easy is it to source the material

Single source of production from only one quarry in North Wales, produced exclusivly
for SIG Roofing in Scotland.

Supplier Name
SIG Roofing
Main Contact
Steve Pearson (UK) Alex Grant (Scotland)
Contact Address
Harding Way, St Ives, PE27 3YJ
Telephone Number
01480 466 777