Larch Cladding

Scotlarch® is the registered trade name for Russwood’s selected heartwood of Scottish-grown European Larch. A hard tough timber which dried quickly. It is about 50 per cent harder than Scots pine and slightly stronger in bending and toughness.

Scotlarch® is the registered trade name for Russwood’s selected heartwood of Scottish-grown European Larch. A hard tough timber which dried quickly. It is about 50 per cent harder than Scots pine and slightly stronger in bending and toughness.

Planning a visit?
You will find this material in: Cabinet A

Geographic availability
Origin / Location of manufacturing / Processing plant
Newtonmore, Scotland (logs are sourced within 100 miles of sawmill)
Application and typical uses of the product

It is a very strong robust wood and it is referred to as a small movement wood. Larch is rated as moderately durable and if the sapwood is excluded can be used untreated for exterior cladding. If sapwood is not excluded the wood will require either treatment or coating

Breakdown of Product

100% Timber

Thermal conductivity (k) W/m°C or Thermal transmittance (U-value) - W/m2°C (If applicable)
k = 0.14 W/m°C
Is the resource Renewable or Finite?
Does the material need to be processed further or treated by the user
Buildability - how complex is installation? What skill level is required?
Cladding should be installed by an experienced contractor
Supplier Name
Russwood Ltd
Main Contact
Gillian Kennedy
Contact Address
Station Sawmill Newtonmore Inverness-shire PH20 1AR
Telephone Number
01540 673648
Lifespan of materials if maintained correctly (years)

50+ years