
Hornbeam is only considered to be a native species in Southern England. It is, however, often found in Scotland. It is a white wood with attractive flecks and swirls in its grain. It has a beautiful smooth finish often compared to ivory.

Hornbeam is only considered to be a native species in Southern England. It is, however, often found in Scotland. It is a white wood with attractive flecks and swirls in its grain. It has a beautiful smooth finish often compared to ivory.

Planning a visit?
You will find this material in: Cabinet A

Geographic availability
Origin / Location of manufacturing / Processing plant
Available from throughout the UK, this sample was processed in Dunfermline, Scotland
Application and typical uses of the product

Hornbeam is a very dense hardwood and is now used for new furniture or turnery. It is exceptionally hard and was once the main source of very hard wood in Britain, and was available in larger sizes than the equally prized boxwood. Its name originates from its use in oxen yokes (the beam between the horns) which were subjected to considerable wear. It was also traditionally used to make mill cogs, piano parts, chopping blocks, pulleys, mallets etc anything that required a high resistance to wear

Breakdown of Product

100% Timber

Thermal conductivity (k) W/m°C or Thermal transmittance (U-value) - W/m2°C (If applicable)
K=0.16 W/moC
Is the resource Renewable or Finite?
Does the material need to be processed further or treated by the user
Buildability - how complex is installation? What skill level is required?
Moderately skilled
Deconstruction and Re-use


Disposal/ End of Life

Reprocessed as woodchip or as biomass for energy generation

Supplier Name
Scottish Wood
Main Contact
Jim Birley
Contact Address
Inzievar Woods Oakley Dunfermline Fife KY12 8HB
Telephone Number
Other companies that manufacture similar products

Association of Scottish Hardwood Sawmills - www.ashs.co.uk

Is this product certified?


Availability - how easy is it to source the material

Easy - abundant supply