Fire Retardant Paint

VOC-free, odourless paint. 

VOC-free, odourless paint. 

Planning a visit?
You will find this material in: Cabinet H

Supplier Name
Lakeland Paints
Main Contact
Ian west
Contact Address
Unit 19

, Heysham bus park, 
Telephone Number
01524 852371
Geographic availability
Origin / Location of manufacturing / Processing plant
Application and typical uses of the product

Fire retarding Wallpaint

Breakdown of Product

EVA copolymer binder, water, bentonite, china clay, powdered limestone, clays, titanium dioxide, cellulosic thickeners, levelling aids, defoamer, biostat

% Recycled Content
uses recycled steel containers & recycled card & paper packaging
Is the resource Renewable or Finite?
Buildability - how complex is installation? What skill level is required?
Easy – zero risk – by brush, roller or spray; cover carpets & furniture
Types, textures, specifications and colours currently available
Fire retardant matt in 180 colours
Lifespan of materials if maintained correctly (years)

Minimum 20 years