Dunaverig Sandstone

Compacted hard to very hard sandstone, fine, medium, grain.

This is a stone material

Stone is a hard substance from the ground used for building or carving. It is the product of millions of years of movement, pressure, compaction and heat, forming a durable solid material.

Compacted hard to very hard sandstone, fine, medium, grain.

Planning a visit?
You will find this material in: Cabinet D

Geographic availability
Origin / Location of manufacturing / Processing plant
Stone quarried and Processed at Thornhill near Stirling, Scotland
Application and typical uses of the product

Architectural Components, Ashlar Cladding/Walling/ Coursed Walling

Breakdown of Product

100% Natural Stone

Thermal conductivity (k) W/m°C or Thermal transmittance (U-value) - W/m2°C (If applicable)
k = 1.7 W/m°C

Is the resource Renewable or Finite?
Buildability - how complex is installation? What skill level is required?
Installation may be complex and must be undertaken by an experienced stone mason
Deconstruction and Re-use


Types, textures, specifications and colours currently available
Various finishes and colours available. Sample panel at Thornhill facility
Supplier Name
Main Contact
Sales Team
Contact Address
Thornhill, Stirling.
Telephone Number
01786 850400
Lifespan of materials if maintained correctly (years)

100 years +

Availability - how easy is it to source the material

. Typical 6-8 week lead in